Ruling Elders
Calvary is a member church of the Presbyterian Church-USA (PCUSA). As such, we are governed by a constitution found in the PC-USA Book of Order. PC-USA member churches have three primary ministries - the ruling elders (ministry of governance and discernment), the board of deacons (ministry of compassion and service, and pastors (ministry of the Word and sacrament).
The ruling elders are essentially the church's board of trustees. The elders are the administrative arm of the church ensuring the buildings are safe, grounds are maintained, budgets are established, supplies and services needed are secured,
Session Members
Georgie Ackers
Bobbi Beck
Pat Brunker
John Cecchini
Barry Emens
Pat Gallagher
Valaree Bower Gilbert
Steve Gilbert
Lyn Wargny
Board Of Deacons
Get to know us.
The ministry of deacons as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion,
witness, service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the
hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by
unjust policies or structures or anyone in distress.
The Deacons of Calvary Presbyterian Church strive to provide loving care
and financial support to the church congregation and the community. We meet the second Tuesday of each month
(September through June) either in-person or remotely. All members of the church are assigned to a
Deacon. Each Deacon makes every effort
to get to know their people and to provide care and support as needed. The officers of the Deacons are Moderator,
Secretary and Treasurer.
entire work of the Deacons is funded from donations placed in special Deacon pew
envelopes, offering box Deacon envelopes, or other designated donations and
Nedra Cawley
Sally Dinn
Diana Dohrmann
Linda Fioretti
Karen Gilbert
Janny McGrath
Sheila McMenamin
Barbara Myers
Diane Pahl
Dorothy Talavera
Caris Calvary Deacons provide meals to church families or
individuals in need of such support due to illness, surgery, loss or those who
need to know someone cares.
Funerals/Receptions Deacons organize, prepare and host receptions
following memorial and funeral services according to the requests of the family
of the deceased.
Mug Ministry Calvary mugs are gifted to visitors looking for a church home. Each beverage mug is filled with candy and an invitation to visit us again.
Chancel Flowers Dedications made each Sunday
and at Easter and Christmas, these are published in the weekly
Sunday bulletin. We currently have two
beautiful, seasonal floral arrangements located at the pulpit and the dedication
donations that are collected are passed along to one of our existing four
mission partners (Bread of Life Food Pantry, Urban Promise, Cathedral Kitchen,
Worship and Special
Services Calvary Deacons are
always ready to assist with monthly communion preparation as well as weekly and
special services.
During the challenges of the past few years, when in-person activities were curtailed, the Deacons endeavored to stay faithful to their mission of caring for the
members and friends of Calvary through letters, texts, phone calls and cards.